Sunday, May 17, 2009

Self Portrait

The 2 aspects of my personality shown are a calm and passive and relaxed side of me and the other is a hot headed stubborn willful me.
 The struggles I had when painting this were my hair and the grid getting the grid to work out was a challenge because things that seem small are really much bigger on your face and I wanted to make what seemed small or in the middle be there when it really was bigger and more to the side. Also I had a struggle with mixing the colors to be right like mixing black is not an easy task. Also I struggled with figuring out what aspects of my personality I wanted to show. There was also the the time as shown I didn't get to putting on a nose that was easily visible. 
If I were to do this differently I would add more of the face like the nose and also try to put some sort of texture in the hair.

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