Thursday, January 29, 2009

Works of Art I know

By: Pablo Picasso
Title: Woman with Crossed Arms
Country: Spain
My First Impressions: When I first saw this painting by Picasso I thought that the woman looks very sad and this is made more evident because the blue is a very sad color. The woman also looks cold another effect of the blue. She seems very still more so than in other paintings because she has no motion and nothing looks like it has moved. 
What I Learned: I have learned that this painting was one done in Picasso's blue period a time when he was probably very depressed because a friend of his had committed suicide. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I see the light drawing

3. The story I'm trying to tell in my collage is one night when there was a meteor shower.
4. I used value in my drawing to show the tint and shading of night.
5. The most challenging aspect of this drawing was the people they are still not quite right.
6. The most successful aspect of this drawing is the meteors I think they come across well.

Story Collage

3. The story I'm trying to tell in my collage is the first time I went Scuba diving
4. The most challenging aspect of making this collage was the people figuring them out was the hardest but then they were easy.
5. The most successful aspect of this collage was the turtle.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pictures that Tell a Story

By: Grant Wood
Title: Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
My First Impressions: When I first saw this picture I remembered it from a long time ago, but I also noticed how time changes because the top is night and the bottom is day. The title having midnight in it makes me think of the dead of night. The day part lets me see how he either started his ride towards dusk and finished late or he started late and finished around dawn. The story comes across really from the church it is the most prominent figure in the image or it seems like it is. The most prominent image in the picture to me is the rider, he might be one of the smallest parts, but his contrast to the white road and the fact that he is the most important part of the picture it really draws my eye.

What I learned:  I have learned that the painting is on some sort of stone is an oil painting, and is incredibly precise and very very detailed. There are a lot of minor details that if looked carefully at are really really ineresting 

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Shapes Blog

By: Romare Bearden
Title: Siren's Song
My First Impressions: 
At first glance I see a group of women on a beach having what looks like a party they see a ship with a man tied to the mast the sailors in the ship seem not to notice the man tied to the mast. The women seem to want the sailors to come to shore they look like they might be stuck on the beach and want to be rescued.

What I Learned:
I learned that this is a recreation of Homer's "The Odyssey" specifically about the sirens who would sing songs that made sailors crazy and suicidal. The recreation is very interesting because none of the sirens look like they are singing they all look like they are dancing. The painting is very interesting to me I do not know why.